On September 30, 2015 we will be releasing an update to the RiskTool login page, header and main navigation scheme. On the login page you’ll notice a cleaner look and feel followed by a new header and left-hand navigation once you’ve entered the system.

Login Page

The new login page has been simplified and optimized for easy access to RiskTool. A centered login pane allows you to request a new password or contact our customer care team at [email protected].

Your company logo will be displayed above the user login space if it’s been uploaded in place of the RA or AIG logo seen below. This will be the main placement of your company logo as we’ve removed it from the main header within the system.

RiskAnalytics Customers


AIG Customers



The RiskTool header has been redesigned to have a ubiquitous look and feel with the RA Force security application (not all customers have access to RA Force).  

Your company logo has been replaced with either the RA logo or AIG logo depending on who offers RiskTool to your organization. In the event your organization has a RA security device and a RA Force web interface an option to access that application will be available in the header via a RA Force logo (not shown).

Administration options are accessed by clicking the gear icon on the right-hand side. From there you will be able to manage all aspects of RiskTool including setup, topics, modules and users just as you have in the past.


Main Navigation

Navigation throughout RiskTool is now performed on the left-hand sidebar. The options have not changed so moving around the system should take just a few short moments to get re-accustomed to.

By clicking the arrows on the navigation you can open up subsets to quickly get into specific areas of the system.


By clicking the small grey arrow in the bottom of the left-hand navigation you can condense the menu down to just icons, which provides more space to view the main page.

You can always expand the menu back out using the same arrow. To navigate to the defined subsections simply click the icon for a list of available options.

Navigating the new RiskTool user interface is just that easy. Other page elements have not changed. As you read on you’ll find out we have many new and exciting changes in the next few months for the rest of the RiskTool User Interface.

Future Updates

While this release focused on the RiskTool user interface wrappers (Login, Header, Navigation) future updates will include changes to the main body of the pages. We’ll be updating the fonts, colors, and design schemes of list pages, view pages, and edit pages throughout the system.

We’ll also be building a dashboard that rolls up data from all the RiskTool modules into one easy to use landing page to give Administrators an “at a glance” view into the current state of RiskTool. All of these changes are based on your user feedback and our dedicated RiskTool software design teams creative mind.

As we move towards 2016 we’ll be looking at ways to provide simpler, quicker workflows that produce more engaging reports and visuals. There are exciting things afoot for RiskTool and we thank you for your ongoing feedback and suggestions.