The System supports the most recent versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome and Firefox.  If you have received the page below when you attempted to access the System it means you have an out of date browser.  On the webpage, you can click each icon to be taken to the respective browsers download page to retrieve the most recent version of the Software. 

You may want to request your internal IT support to assist you in performing this task. 

Please use the following links to upgrade to the most recent version of your browser below:

For Internet Explorer (Version 9-10) Users - If you believe you are using a supported version of IE and are still receiving this message it is likely due to your "Compatibility View" settings.  Follow these instructions to fix the issue:

  1. On the IE toolbar at the top, click "Tools"
  2. On the drop down menu, select "Compatibility View Settings", its about halfway down the list
  3. A pop-up will display, on the bottom un-click the button that says "Display All Websites in Compatibility View"
  4. Click "Close".
You may have to restart your browser and clear your cache and cookies for the setting to take affect depending on how your network is set up at your place of business or home.

For Internet Explorer (Version 11) Users - If you believe you are using a supported version of IE and are still receiving this message it is likely due to your "Compatibility View" settings.  Follow these instructions to fix the issue:

  1. Click the blue gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the browser 
  2. On the drop down menu, select "Compatibility View Settings"
  3. A pop-up will display
  4. Ensure that the following websites are not added in the box that indicates "Websites you've added to Compatibility View""
  5. If any of the above websites are listed, remove them from this view
  6. On the bottom un-click the selection that says "Display intranet sites in Compatibility View"
  7. On the bottom also un-click the selection that says "User Microsoft compatibility lists"
  8. Click "Close".

You may have to restart your browser and clear your cache and cookies for the setting to take affect depending on how your network is set up at your place of business or home.