On April 25, 2017 RiskTool will be equipped with new reports that allow you to customize the data you want to see and set automated emails of those reports at a daily, weekly or monthly interval.  

With these reports you’ll have all the information at your fingertips to effectively manage the task assignments you’ve sent to your users. 

To learn more about these reports, see below.

Accessing Custom Task Data

To access Custom Task Data, navigate to Reporting, located on the left side of screen.

Under the Assignment folder, select Custom Task Data to begin building you customized reports.

Custom Task Data Configurations

The new Custom Task Data page has a plethora of options available to you.  Let's look at each of the options individually.

Select Saved Configuration - This option allows you to quickly bring up previously saved report configurations.  This is useful for reports you'd like to run regularly based on previously identified parameters within the Custom task Data.  Once you've named and saved a configuration, they will be available to select from the drop down.  Once a selection is made the report will automatically run and present results.

Manage Saved Reports - Select this button to edit existing saved configurations including the email settings and output (PDF and/or CSV) for those emailed reports.  Saved configurations can be deleted at this step as well.

Include Disabled Users? - To include users that have since been deleted or disabled in addition to active users select "Yes" within this drop down menu.  

Users/User Groups - A combination of users and/or user groups may be selected including multiples of either.  This can be achieved by utilizing the alphabetical drop down menu or by typing in the users/groups names.

Task Statuses - You can add one or multiple task statuses to your report configuration, the options are explained below:

  • Assigned - The task is assigned, but has not yet been started or completed
  • Closed - The task was assigned, but removed prior to completion
  • Failed - The task was assigned, completed and failed
  • In Progress - The task was assigned and is currently in the process of being completed
  • Passed - The task was assigned, completed and passed

Task Types - Each of the assignable material types in the system can be selected.  These include:

  • Training
  • Policy
  • Inspection Checklists
  • Assessments

Task Materials - Each material title may be selected.  If the previous Task Type is set to "all" then all Training, Policy, Inspection Checklist and Assessment titles will be available to be selected either by the drop down menu or by typing in the name.  If the Task Types selected have been narrowed down to only Training or another type then only those material titles will be available for selection at this step. Titles will include all provided and custom titles added to your organizations bucket of content.

Include Task History? - By including Task History the results will include both "current" and "closed" task data.

Tasks Assigned Date Range - This date range selection allows you to customize down task results that were assigned in a certain date range.

Tasks Completed Date Range - This date range selection allows you to customized down task results that were completed in a certain date range.

Run Report Button - Select this option to display report data.  Once ran, the report can be emailed out or downloaded in PDF or CSV format in the blue bar at the top of page.

Save Report Configuration As... - Select this option if you'd like to have this report available on the previous "Reports" screen for easy access in the future.  This will also allow you to set up regularly scheduled emails of the configuration.


Accessing Saved Reports

Saving your report is as easy as selecting the "Saved Report Configuration As..." button option and giving the report a name.  In the example below our configuration provided data for All Users who had passed Training tasks in the last year. 

Once saved, the report will be available in two places for viewing, and one for editing. 

Viewing - The report will be available via:

  • The Main Reports page as a sub-report under Custom Task Data. By selecting "Passed Training, All Users - Last Year" the report will immediately be run based on the configuration identified.

  • The Drop Down menu on the main Custom Task Data landing page under "Select Saved Configuration".  In the screenshot below the drop down menu has been opened and "Passed Training, All Users - Last Year" is available for selection.  The report will run immediately.

Editing - The report can be edited via:

  • The Custom Task Data landing page by clicking the "Managed Saved Reports" button in the screenshot above

Deleting and Emailing Saved Reports

Once the "Managed Saved Reports" button has been selected the screen will refresh and provide a list of the report configurations you have saved to date.  In this example, we just have the one that was referenced previously in this document.

To access the report, simply click the title - "Passed Training, All Users - Last Year (Custom Task Data)".

You will then be prompted with the option to "Edit this Report Configuration" in the blue bar. 

Selecting this option allows you to delete the saved report configuration or set up an emailing schedule for either:

  • Daily - Sent each morning
  • Weekly - Sent each Monday
  • Monthly - Sent the first day of each month

Output types are available in both PDF and CSV as attachments to the email.

Once saved, the report screen will refresh back to your list of Saved Reports with the Date Range/Schedule listed that was selected.