1. Login to the RA Force portal

2. Once you are in the Force portal, click on "IP Lists" located at the bottom of the menu on the left hand side of the screen

4.  Click the purple "Create New IP List" button located in the top right corner of the screen

5.  Fill in all fields with a red star (Name, List Type, Description, and Log a Reason for Creating this List)

6.  Add IP addresses to this new list by clicking on the purple "Add New IP Address" button located on the right hand side of the    screen

  • Fill in the box for the IP Address
  • Fill in the description for the IP address

7.  Once all IP address have been added to the list, change the Status of the list from "Paused" to "Active"

8.  Once the list has been activated, select which devices you would like to subscribe to the list

  • Under the heading Subscribers, select each device you wish to subscribe to the list by checking the box in the right hand column directly across from the device name